The SWMS Mission

The Society for Women in Marine Science brings together marine scientists of all career levels to discuss the diverse experiences of women in marine science, celebrate the research done by women in the field, and promote the visibility of women in the marine science community.

How do we accomplish our mission?

Community Building

We build communities of women in marine science careers across all sectors and career stages through our chapters, Slack channel, and virtual socials to create the connections and support networks necessary to help retain women in the field.

Professional Development Webinars

We offer webinars on careers in the various sectors of marine science, job search skills, and more to prepare our members for careers in marine science!

SWMS Symposium

Our annual symposium brings together members around a theme to build community and skills, and share their experiences and research.

SWMS Socials & Blog

Through our blog and social media accounts, we share the stories, career paths, and research of our members.


Our chapters bring SWMS to their local institutions and communities, and provide leadership opportunities for our members.

Mentorship Program

Our mentorship program pairs up members across career stages and sectors for individualized mentorship in their field.


Through our partnerships, we advocate for our members and for a better, more diverse marine science community.