Frequently Asked Questions

About SWMS

  • We pronounce it 'swims'!

  • Marine scientists study the ocean, estuaries, and associated environments and organisms. Marine science is a broad term, which encompasses marine biology (the study of marine life) and oceanography (the study of the ocean). There are many topics within marine science, but they are commonly divided in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry and geology. Multidisciplinary research, like the interaction between chemistry and biology, is also very important in order to understand the ocean as a whole. Some marine scientists go out in the field to gather data; others use satellite data or run computer models to simulate the processes they are interested in.

  • Marine science started out as a predominantly male field of science. Nowadays many women are interested in marine science, but they may face many barriers on the path to a successful career. SWMS aims to be a source of support for women in marine science, across all types of careers and institutions/companies.

  • We want to work in tandem with other organizations and groups, not in competition - we are glad that there are a lot of groups focused on supporting women and historically underrepresented groups in STEM! What makes SWMS different from a general "women in science" group is that we can address issues that come up specifically in marine science, like field work, as well as provide discipline-specific programming and community building. We are different from other organizations because we have an emphasis on students at all levels finding support to pursue any career that interests them, which allows people to branch out from academic tracks.

  • SWMS aims to promote women in all the marine sciences. Resources and opportunities are posted on our website and social media pages. We work along side our chapters to organize a symposium each year where women can network with peers in their field and discuss important topics that are often left out at other conferences. We also have chapters that hold local events and run professional development webinars.

  • Yes! SWMS received 501(c) status in 2020, and is registered as a charity in Massachusetts. This means that we now have voting board members alongside our steering committee, as well as other legal obligations to report as a charity. We are still entirely volunteer operated. If you have frequently asked questions about this specifically, please reach out.


  • SWMS does not host its own job board but we are happy to share opportunities with our members! Tag us in your opportunities on social media or reach out to us at to get your posting event or job shared to our Slack channels!

    If you are interested in collaborating with SWMS on future programming, please get in touch at

Getting Involved

  • Anyone involved in marine science, at any career stage, can be a member of the society.  This includes people of all genders! SWMS was started with the aim of advancing women, but we recognize that non-binary and trans* marine scientists also face many barriers. We hope that all marine scientists feel welcome in SWMS. Click here to become a member!

  • All are welcome to participate in professional development webinars organized by the Steering Committee (unless otherwise noted) and our symposia. The recordings of our webinars are also free for all!

    Other activities such as the SWMS Slack and the Mentorship program do require a SWMS Membership. Membership is not a requirement to be a member of one of our local chapters, however, members of chapter leadership are required to be SWMS members.

  • Yes. In fact, we’d very much like you to get involved. We’d like to make male scientists more aware of the issues that women in marine science face. Only the marine sciences community as a whole can support the advancement of female scientists in the field. Anyone can sign up to be a member and can register for our events.


  • No! SWMS started at academic institutions, so most of our chapters come in the form of student organizations. We encourage non-students to join their local chapters, our chapters to hold events accessible to the wider community, and for non-academics to start their own chapters!

  • No! We encourage you to join your local chapter so you can meet SWMS members in your area, or start one if you don't have a local chapter. However, chapter membership is not required to participate in activities organized by the Steering Committee, such as the symposium or the mentorship program.

If you have additional questions, please get in touch.