2024 Election

Our 2024 Election cycle is now closed! Please check in early 2025 for new opportunities!

General Election Logistics:

  • Everyone who is a SWMS member will receive a digital ballot. If this is not accessible to you, please reach out to swms.general.contact@gmail.com and we will work with you to find a solution.

    • Note: You must be registered as a member in order to vote in the election. Active members can log into their member account on Squarespace. Not a member yet? Sign up today!

  • Voting will be open until the annual All-Members Meeting in the spring at which point we will announce the new members of the Steering Committee.

About SWMS and our anti-racism efforts

SWMS is a young non-profit organization. The current SWMS SC has been thoughtfully evaluating how the organization can better build equity, inclusion, and anti-racism into every level of leadership and operation. The new Steering Committee will build on this foundation to build a new organization under principles of anti-racism and equity. Officers who are committed to participating in our anti-racism process are of particular necessity. Please apply if you are from a diverse and underrepresented identity. Your participation in a leadership role is actively welcomed.