

Want to add your chapter event to the calendar?

SWMS Coding Club

SWMS Coding Club

Join us every week for some dedicated coding time! This is also an avenue to get some help with any coding issues you may have!

To get the video link, join the SWMS Slack and join the #club-coding channel! Links to the SWMS Slack can be found on the Member resources page.

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SWMS Coding Club

SWMS Coding Club

Join us every week for some dedicated coding time! This is also an avenue to get some help with any coding issues you may have!

To get the video link, join the SWMS Slack and join the #club-coding channel! Links to the SWMS Slack can be found on the Member resources page.

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SWMS Coding Club

SWMS Coding Club

Join us every week for some dedicated coding time! This is also an avenue to get some help with any coding issues you may have!

To get the video link, join the SWMS Slack and join the #club-coding channel! Links to the SWMS Slack can be found on the Member resources page.

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SWMS Coding Club

SWMS Coding Club

Join us every week for some dedicated coding time! This is also an avenue to get some help with any coding issues you may have!

To get the video link, join the SWMS Slack and join the #club-coding channel! Links to the SWMS Slack can be found on the Member resources page.

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SWMS Coding Club

SWMS Coding Club

Join us every week for some dedicated coding time! This is also an avenue to get some help with any coding issues you may have!

To get the video link, join the SWMS Slack and join the #club-coding channel! Links to the SWMS Slack can be found on the Member resources page.

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2024 SWMS Photo Contest
to Dec 6

2024 SWMS Photo Contest

SWMS is looking to make a 2025 calendar and we want to feature you and your science! Submit your photos before December 6th for a chance to be featured in the 2025 calendar!

Submit your photos here!

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World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup

World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup

Join SWMS on World Ocean Day 2024 for an asynchronous beach clean up! Join us wherever you are on your local beach to clean up our shores with your chapter or with your friends! Submit pictures of your findings for a chance to win prizes. Cant wait to ‘see’ you there!

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2024 All Members Meeting

2024 All Members Meeting

We hosted our Annual All Members Meeting in April 2024! Here, we introduced our new Steering Committee members, gave some updates on our events in the past year, and previewed what is to come!

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Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024
to Feb 22

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024

SWMS participated in the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, LA in February 2024! SWMS members presented posters and talks during the meeting, showcasing their amazing research from around the country.

SWMS also held a brown bag lunch meetup and a Town Hall to discuss the recent publication on inclusive symposia, and gather input on future action items!

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Annual All Members Meeting

On the 21st March we held our Annual All Members Meeting 2023 at 12pm ET.

If you were unable to make the meeting you can find the recording below:

Please reach out if you would like a copy of the slides!

The meeting concluded our 2023 steering committee elections. Our newly elected committee members, those remaining, and those passing the baton spoke.

It was an opportunity to learn about SWMS activities over the 2022 - 2023 year and our plans ahead. We always take time for attendees to meet one another in small break out groups as well which has frequently resulted in some great ideas!

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2022 All Members Meeting and Election

Thank you to all who attended our 2022 all members meeting and election in April. You can find the recording below and our updated Steering Committee can be found here.

The original meeting announcement text is below.

2022 All Members Meeting and Election: We are getting ready to start our second annual election for the central SWMS organization.

We have a great slate of candidates for Director and Secretary. All SWMS Members will have the chance to select our next group of leaders. In order to receive a ballot, you will need to be an active member as of March 29, 2022. You can check your membership status via the Memberful dashboard on our website.

The election will be open from 9 am Central Europe Time on March 30, 2022 until 11:59 pm Pacific Time on April 7, 2022. We’re a member-driven organization: that means that we need your participation in all things SWMS and the election is one of the formal ways that you can have your voice heard in the direction of SWMS. At a minimum, we need 25% of our membership to vote, so please vote today!!


We will announce the winners at an All-Members Meeting, to be held at 8 am Pacific Time (11 am Eastern Time, 4 pm British Time) on Saturday, April 9, 2022. At this meeting, we’ll introduce the new Steering Committee and provide information about SWMS activities and finances. We will also have a Q&A period. Please register at this link.

We are using the platform Election Runner to generate secure ballots, one for each member. You will receive an e-mail from Election Runner with information about logging in with your unique voter ID and voter key. Please do not share that information with anyone else-- it can only be used once. 

The positions with more than two candidates will be decided by a ranked choice vote (in this election that is the Director position). You can read about how the ranked choice vote run-off works for Election Runner here.

If you don’t see your ballot in your e-mail inbox, please check your spam folder. Still can't find it or running into other issues with voting? Please write to us at If this balloting system is not accessible to you for any reason, please tell us as soon as possible so that we can work together to find a solution. 

Member Survey

Please participate in the SWMS 2022 Annual survey! We would like to hear from both current SWMS members and folks that are part of the marine science community but are not members.

The SWMS Steering Committee is committed to increasing our inclusivity. So in addition to gathering information on how to better serve our members, we would also like to collect information about any barriers to participation for other people in the marine science community.

Your replies to this survey are completely anonymous. You can also always contact us at with suggestions or information about issues that you have faced.

Participate Here

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2021 Members Meeting

In April 2021 SWMS held the first annual members meeting! It includes the results of the 2021 Election for new members of the SWMS Steering Committee, as well as updates from current/outgoing Steering Committee Members about SWMS activities. At the end, there is a Q&A period with the attendees. The agenda can be found here.

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Fall 2020: We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Fall 2020: We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

The URI Chapter of the Society for Women in Marine Science hosted a free professional development symposium virtually on December 5th, 2020! This symposium was rescheduled due to COVID.

The symposium was geared towards connecting and supporting undergraduates, graduate students, and early career scientists through workshops, seminars, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

This event welcomed anyone who was comfortable in a space that centers on the experiences of women.

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Diving Deep into Scientific Communication
to Sep 14

Diving Deep into Scientific Communication

The Society for Women in Marine Science (SWMS) chapters at Horn Point Laboratory (HPL), Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS), and University of Delaware (UD) are hosting a Fall SWMS Symposium! The event will take place September 13th - 14th, 2019 at Horn Point Lab in Cambridge, Maryland. The goal of this symposium, titled Diving Deep into Scientific Communication, is to connect attendees with future marine science leaders, gain crucial career advice and mentorship, and learn from the best in scientific communication to improve applied skills. The event will begin with a panel of marine scientists from various career levels in industry, academia, non-profit, and governmental work answering questions and sharing discussions on work-life balance, potential career paths, making successful decisions as graduate students, and more. The participants will then gain important applied scientific communication skills via breakout sessions led by University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s Integration Application Network (IAN) team. Participants have the option of spending the night on September 13th and participating in an outreach event the following morning on September 14. HPL will provide free lodging in bunkhouses for the first 73 interested people as well as outdoor areas for tent camping. Registration for members of the 3 SWMS chapters (HPL, VIMS, UD) will begin on July 15, 2019 and then will open up to the general public on August 1st. If more than 100 registrants RSVP, a waitlist will be used to keep track of interested attendees. There will be a small registration fee (amount still TBD), which will include lunch and dinner on September 13th and breakfast on September 14th.Please contact with questions.

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Spring 2018 Symposium: Navigating a Sea of Choices in Marine Science

Spring 2018 Symposium: Navigating a Sea of Choices in Marine Science

Navigating a Sea of Choices in Marine Science

If you missed the symposium, check out the live stream of our keynote speakers below:

Date:  Saturday, March 24th, 2018

Location: Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO), University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Join us for a full day at the beautiful URI GSO campus overlooking Narragansett Bay as we present and facilitate speakers, panels, small group discussions, and workshops focus on mentoring and career path choices in the context of women in the field of marine science. We welcome anyone to attend, especially undergraduate students.


8:45 amCheck-In/Breakfast9:30 amWelcoming Remarks—David Smith (GSO)9:45 amKeynote Speaker—Bethany Jenkins (URI)10:15 amKeynote Speaker—Catalina Martinez (NOAA)11:00 amSmall Group Discussion I12:15 pmLunch/Poster and Exhibit Session1:30 pmSkills-Based Session2:30 pmCoffee Break2:50 pmSmall Group Discussion II4:00 pmGroup Reports5:00 pmClosing Remarks

For more information, please see the URI chapter page or email

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Fall 2017: The 4th Annual SWMS Symposium

Fall 2017: The 4th Annual SWMS Symposium

When: Friday, November 3, 2017, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.Where: Redfield Auditorium at WHOI in Woods Hole, MA (see our Getting There page for more info.)Who: Anyone interested in advancing women in marine science (all genders welcome!)Watch the keynote speech here.

Keynote Livesteam: "By Choice" by Dr. Amala Mahadevan

The keynote speech by Dr. Amala Mahadevan, senior scientist at WHOI, was livestreamed on the WHOI facebook page and the recording is available below. The video also includes opening remarks by Dr. Larry Madin, Vice President for Research at WHOI.Thank you for recording, WHOI Communications!

Accessibility notes:  ASL interpretation is visible in most of the video. We hope to make a full transcript of the speech available soon.

Tentative schedule, subject to change

2017 Theme:Swimming in Confidence: Declaring your Scientific Authority8:30 - Check in, Breakfast9:00 - Welcoming remarks by Dr. Larry Madin, Vice President for Research at WHOI9:15 - Keynote by Dr. Amala Mahadevan, senior scientist at WHOI -live streamed by WHOI10:15 - Coffee break10:30 - Panel discussion: Interrogating the "Leaky Pipeline"Dr. Meg Tivey, Dr. Paula Bontempi, Dr. Heather Benway, Dr. Pam Neubert12:00 - Lunch and small group discussions13:30 - Research SpotlightsDr. Elsie Sunderland, Dr. Isla Castaneda, Dr. Susanne Menden-Deuer, Dr. Kate Lowry15:00 - Coffee/snack break15:15 - The Journey to ConfidenceDr. Caroline Solomon, Dr. Andone Lavery, Alexa Dayton, Dr. Sucharita Gopal17:00 - Evaluation and Closing remarks17:30 - The endPrinter friendly scheduleSWMS 2017 full program, including speaker biosWe would like to acknowledge that we are gathering on the traditional and unceded territory of Wampanoag and Massachusett people.Learn more about land acknowledgementshere.Thank you to our sponsors!Women in Course XII (WiXII) at MITWHOI Women's CommitteeMIT Title IX OfficeWoods Hole Sea GrantMcLane Research LabsWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Parking near Redfield will be very limited. We encourage people to carpool and reduce the number of cars as much as possible. If you are familiar with WHOI or work in Woods Hole, we request that you park at Clark and take the shuttle or bike/walk directly to Redfield. This will allow unfamiliar visitors to take advantage of parking in the village.If you are driving, these links will be very helpful:Village parking map: Map shows 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice parking locations in the Woods Hole village.Parking permit:  Please print a copy of the permit and place it on your dashboard. We will have a couple backup copies in case you forget, but please try to bring your own.


This WHOI website has a long list of local hotels that might be helpful for SWMS attendees. Many hotels in the area have a WHOI rate that is available if you mention that you are participating in a meeting at WHOI, but we do not have a SWMS-specific hotel or room block.

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