Join SWMS today!

As an official non-profit organization, SWMS collects annual dues to support our mission. Funds go to support our chapters, symposia, and travel awards for our members.

To join SWMS, please complete the payment form below. The next form will ask for your contact info and some optional demographics.

Everyone^ is welcome to be a SWMS member!

SWMS Members get access to our mentorship program, Slack channel, newsletters with resources, voting in elections, and events. In addition, you'll be supporting our broader programming and advocacy efforts.

Membership Benefits include…

SWMS Slack

Engage with the community on our SWMS Slack - a place to share resources, job opportunities, and get feedback from the SWMS community!

Mentorship Program

Looking for guidance in your career in marine science? Get a mentor through our mentorship program! Want to be a mentor to others? Share what you know and sign up to be a mentor!

Financial Support

Members are eligible for travel awards to our symposia and marine science conferences, such as the bi-annual Ocean Sciences Meeting.

Writing Accountability Group

COMING SOON - Join us this fall as we start our first Writing Accountability Group (WAG)! This group will be facilitated through the SWMS Slack.

SWMS Splash

Members get SWMS updates, resources, and other news from the marine science community through our micro-newsletter: the SWMS Splash!

And more!

Including our art contest, and more member-exclusives to come!

Students & Job Seekers
Every year

This membership tier is for students (high school, undergraduates, and graduate students) and job seekers.

Early Career Professionals
Every year

This membership level is for postdoctoral associates and early career (no more than 8 years since most recent degree) professionals.

Established Professionals
Every year

This tier is for individuals who completed their most recent degree more than 8 years ago, such as staff scientists and faculty members.

We ask members to pay at whatever level is most comfortable for them, regardless of career stage.

All prices in USD. Memberships renew annually based on sign up date and can be paused or canceled at any time.

If you are interested in membership but cannot afford the membership dues, already pay member dues to your chapter, run into technical issues, or would like to use an alternative payment method (e.g. a check), please get in touch with the steering committee at

^ We anticipate that all of the content on our website and member materials will be appropriate for any age, but due to legal restrictions, we are only able to accept members over 13 years of age. Parents/guardians of children who are interested in SWMS can sign up for membership on behalf of their children.