Marine Jobs Glossary

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It is a list of different jobs our members hold. It’s a useful source of information if you’re not sure what job you could do with a marine science degree, or if you have something in mind, but want to know more about it. You can also add information about the job you do!

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Marine Jobs

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There is currently 1 job title in this directory beginning with the letter C.

California Climate Fellow
11 month Urban Greening/ restoration project in the context of an environmental justice community organization .

For Who: State of California

My employee works with frontline communities on climate change mitigation projects including issues related to extreme heat, air and water pollution.

Sector: Government, Research, Education, Limited 11 month position - paid by stipend and fellowship ( to be ported to a Ph.D. ) program

Where: Sacramento and Fresno Ca.

Salary: Stipend is 2700 per month with a $10,000+ Fellowship at completion of project .

Job Level: Mid-Level - No management duties

Marine Relevance: Not Marine Natural Science, Non Marine Environmental Science, Non Marine Conservation, Non Marine Science Communication,

Where to find similar jobs: Mailing List

Submitted by: Hali Rederer, halirederer at

NB: This is not a directory of job advertisements.