Marine Jobs Glossary

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It is a list of different jobs our members hold. It’s a useful source of information if you’re not sure what job you could do with a marine science degree, or if you have something in mind, but want to know more about it. You can also add information about the job you do!

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Marine Jobs

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There is currently 1 job title in this directory beginning with the letter P.

Postdoctoral researcher
I am a biological oceanographer and plankton ecologist interested in understanding the effects of climate change on plankton physiology and ecology. I study these dynamics in polar, open-ocean, and estuarine environments and utilize time series analysis and field experiments to explore these effects.

For Who: University of Rhode Island

The University of Rhode Island is an academic, state-owned institution primarily focused on research (R1). I work at the Graduate School of Oceanography on the Bay Campus, which is part of the University of Rhode Island system, primarily focused on oceanography research and training the next generation of graduate students.

Sector: Research

Where: Narragansett, RI USA

Salary: 50000

Job Level: Mid-Level - No management duties

Marine Relevance: Marine Natural Science, Marine Environmental Science, Marine Science Communication,

Where to find similar jobs: Social Media

Submitted by: Tricia Thibodeau, thibodeau at

NB: This is not a directory of job advertisements.