Marine Jobs Glossary

Find the marine jobs directory glossary below, or add your own job description via this form.

It is a list of different jobs our members hold. It’s a useful source of information if you’re not sure what job you could do with a marine science degree, or if you have something in mind, but want to know more about it. You can also add information about the job you do!

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Marine Jobs

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There are currently 3 job titles in this directory beginning with the letter S.

Scientific Program Officer
As a Scientific Program Officer at the MMC I have two official duties: 1) run the Survey of Federally Funded Marine Mammal Research Survey ( and 2) assess and comment on the US Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports when they are available for public comment. I also have the ability to assess and participate in other marine mammal projects that fall within the purview of the US Marine Mammal Commission.

For Who: US Marine Mammal Commission ( The US Marine Mammal Commission is an independent agency of the UG Government. We are unique in that we provide policy and science-based oversight of domestic and international policies and actions of federal agencies addressing human impacts on marine mammals and their ecosystems.

Sector: Government

Where: Office is in Bethesda, MD. But, we're all still 100% remote teleworking. For me, that's home (for now) Thornton, NH.

Salary: 73000

Job Level: Mid-Level - No management duties

Marine Relevance: Marine Natural Science, Marine Environmental Science, Marine Conservation, Marine Science Communication, Marine Administration, Marine Policy,

Where to find similar jobs: Mailing List

Submitted by: Dr. Erin LaBrecque, erinlab at

Senior Professional Staff 1- Oceanographer
Numerical ocean modeling, data analysis, written and oral reporting of scientific results, a little grant writing

For Who: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Applied science primarily for government sponsors, especially the DoD

Sector: Research

Where: Laurel, MD, 80% in-person, 20% wfh

Salary: 145000/year

Job Level: Senior Level - No management duties

Marine Relevance: Marine Natural Science,

Where to find similar jobs: Jobs Board

Submitted by: Jay Brett, gjayb333 at

Senior Program Associate
In short, I help make sure science can take place in many different regions of the globe. That means plenty of emails and meetings but also working on technical documents, writing grant proposals and reports, and exploring new avenues for expanding our work.

For Who: N/A

Ocean conservation

Sector: Non-governmental

Where: Washington DC, but work remotely from San Diego

Salary: 65000

Job Level: Mid-Level - No management duties

Marine Relevance: Marine Natural Science, Marine Environmental Science, Marine Conservation, Marine Social Science, Marine Diplomacy,

Where to find similar jobs: Jobs Board

Submitted by: Society for Women in Marine Science

NB: This is not a directory of job advertisements.