Marine Jobs Glossary

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Marine Jobs

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There is currently 1 job title in this directory beginning with the letter I.

Implementation Support - Consultant
I provide implementation support to the Ocean Decade team within the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission - UNESCO. This involves facilitating the endorsement of Ocean Decade Actions through administrative duties as well as technical reviews of applications. Additionally, I maintain open communication channels with the endorsed Actions and between them and the communications team. I also provide strategic support to the Arctic Action plan development. The role involves a lot of networking, data management, and admin, but at times I also help draft documentation for policy briefers etc.


The IOC-UNESCO is an intergovernmental organisation which serves kind of like a secretariat to the world's ocean scientists. They have focus areas on ocean observations, tsunami warnings and marine spatial planning, and have now been mandated to manage, and implement the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The Ocean Decade Team is formed of core members who help strategically and implement the calls for Decade actions, as well as develop materials and deliver events. Other members of the team are focused on partnerships, liaising with foundations to mobilise resources, running informal working groups on monitoring & evaluation, technology, data, and communications. There is also a dedicated communications team, and other individuals who support the decentralised implementation structures of the Decade.

Sector: Intergovernmental Organisation

Where: at home, sometimes at the head office in Paris

Salary: ~36,000 USD/year

Marine Relevance: Marine Natural Science, Marine Environmental Science, Marine Social Science, Marine Science Communication, Marine Administration, Marine Diplomacy

Where to find: Social Media

Submitted by: Chloe Nunn (chloebnunn at

NB: This is not a directory of job advertisements.